A Letter To Louise.
The Letter
There's not much I can say about this. If there had been more of this in the Church of Christ and less of what I've seen, and been on the pointy end of, I'd probably be Christian now, rather than what I have become. Even though the guy is a Baptist.
I'll leave the last line to Bruce W. Lowe... A man with whom I will probably never agree with, but I think I can say I both respect and admire...
There's not much I can say about this. If there had been more of this in the Church of Christ and less of what I've seen, and been on the pointy end of, I'd probably be Christian now, rather than what I have become. Even though the guy is a Baptist.
I'll leave the last line to Bruce W. Lowe... A man with whom I will probably never agree with, but I think I can say I both respect and admire...
...[H]ow can we sinners, we great sinners, say anything to gays or lesbians or anybody who wants to worship and work with us except, "You say you love the Lord and want to serve him. We do, too. Come be a part of our fellowship of worship and study and work. We are all such sinners in God's sight we need one another and we can help and support one another. We are not here to judge one another's sins; we are here to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ as we make our Christian pilgrimage."
That makes such perfectly lovely sense...how do we muck things up so badly, I wonder?
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