Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Wisdom of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

These don't need me to expand upon. Each is a jewel.

"Cowardice asks the question, Is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, Is it politic?
Vanity asks the question, Is it popular?
But conscience asks the question, Is it right?

And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him that it is right."

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

In struggling for human dignity the oppressed people of the world must not allow themselves to become bitter or indulge in hate campaigns. To retaliate with hate and bitterness would do nothing but intensify the hate in the world. Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can be done only by projecting the ethics of love to the center of our lives. "

"The ultimate test of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge and moments of controversy."


Blogger Anne said...

"The ultimate test of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge and moments of controversy."

I love that quote - but I have no clue where I would stand or fall in moments of challenge and controversy. Maybe over in the corner, but maybe...just maybe...brave enough to be in the forefront. All conjecture until you've lived it, eh?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Roger O'Donnell said...

Oh, yes... you never know until just after you needed to know... if that make's sense...

2:37 PM  

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